Justin Kern is the week one winner of social media contests that ZAPP has been running to promote the fifth annual Arts Festival Conference. Justin won a free registration to this year’s conference by applying to the 2013 Arts Festival Conference Public Portfolio Critique. ZAPP sat down with Justin recently to find out more about our winner from week one.
ZAPP: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your medium.
Justin: My medium of choice is glass and the lamination process on glass. I have been working with glass for about three years, and I’m now in my senior year at Ball State University with a major in Glass Art.
ZAPP: How many shows do you usually do per year?
Justin: I typically try to do about 8 -10 shows a year, mostly in Indiana and nearby states, but I’m in the process of hopefully bumping that up to 15 show a year. I have recently been receiving awards and many other offers for my work, so to keep that train rolling I decided to apply to as many shows as I could so that I can have some sort of following when I graduate next spring.
ZAPP: Why do you want to attend the Arts Festival Conference this year?
Justin: I hope to gain more experience with getting work out in the Western states; it seems like glass is a difficult medium to sell in the Midwest. I have never been [to the Arts Festival Conferences] before, but I can’t wait to go this year and I’m sure it’s gonna be a great experience. I hope to gain some fans of my work and the experience the other artists can provide. I mainly applied [and entered the contest] because I’m trying to breakout of Indiana and test the waters outside of my home state.
You can see more of Justin’s work at http://www.justinkernglass.com/
To register for the conference or find more information about the event, visit http://bit.ly/zappcon.