If you’re like us at ZAPP, you’ve somehow found yourself at the onset of autumn in the blink of an eye (or so it seems!). We’ve accomplished a lot this year, including the finalizing of WESTAF’s strategic plan (WESTAF, the Western States Arts Federation, is the parent organization of ZAPP). We’re excited to work toward these goals over the next 10 years!

Take a break with us and check out what we’ve been up to the last few months. Here’s what’s going on in ZAPPland . . .

WE’VE MOVED! Please update your records with our new address.

ZAPP Software, LLC.
1888 Sherman St., Ste. 375
Denver, CO 80203

What’s New? A Look at the Latest ZAPP Features

Template Editor

With our latest feature, you are able to compose an email and then store that as a template in the ZAPP communication tool. If you’ve got a regular “invited” or “declined” email you send after jurying, you can easily insert those templates and mass send to different groups all with just a few clicks!

Once you’re logged in, go to Events >> Communication. Select your recipients, and you’ll see a new menu called Choose Template.

Photo of the Templates on the Communication Page

You can click Edit Templates to begin composing a new template to store. Once your template is stored, you can return to the Compose screen and insert the template you just created.

Photo of the Communication Template Editor

Sort Applications by “Random” Order

Administrators can now sub-sort applications, within a medium category, in a random order for jurying. This option is in addition to sub-sort by application ID, date received, and last name. The purpose of this is to introduce a way for artist applications to be viewed in a more arbitrary way than what was previously offered.

Search by Business Name

Artists can enter in a business or studio name within their artist profiles. Now, when an artist applies to your event, you can search for their application by that business or studio name. This search can be conducted within two areas when logged into admin.zapplication.org:

Artist Search Page

Photo of Artist Search Bars

Event Management Page

Photo of Search Applications box

Static Navigation Bar in Monitor Jury Slideshow

The Monitor Jury view now has a static menu bar for jurors to navigate backward and forward or see more information about the image. Previously, these icons appeared only when a user hovered over certain parts of the window, and feedback from you all has indicated this was not intuitive to some users. Thanks for the feedback!

Getting to Know our Newest ZAPP Team Members

Our team is proud to offer exceptional and quick customer service and support to nearly 80,000 artists and more than 850 festivals. We’re pleased to add Greer, Steffany, Lori, and Julia to the team and took some time to catch up with them and share a bit more about these new ZAPPers!

Greer Brown
Greer Brown is a customer service associate at WESTAF. Her background includes a customer support role at a real estate photography firm, HIV and AIDS advocacy work, and internships with non-governmental agencies focused on Ghana and India. Outside of work, Greer is pursuing a degree in nursing, and on the weekends can be found backpacking, playing board games and spoiling her mutt, Lyla.

Photo of Greer Brown

Q&A with Greer

What is your favorite board game?

Why do you want to be a nurse?
I wanted to be a nurse because I love working with people, fast-paced environments, and am interested in working with underserved communities. I think working as a nurse would be a great way to accomplish all three!

What’s been your most impactful art experience?
My most impactful art experience was time I spend backpacking through Europe when I was 19. My friend and I spent every day in different contemporary galleries and were blown away by the creativity, skill, and perspectives that the various installations we saw exposed us to. Now, when I go to a new city, I always try to go to a contemporary museum or gallery if there is one in the area because it’s such a great way to get a sense of the community!

Steffany Murcia
Steffany Murcia is a customer service associate at WESTAF. Prior to joining WESTAF, she honed her customer service and technical skills by working as part of the support team for Apple and teaching children to code through Coding With Kids, a computer programming academy. In addition to her work at WESTAF, Murcia serves as a media photographer and provides video support for entertainment convention events, like the Denver Comic Con.  Murcia has a bachelor of fine arts degree with a emphasis in digital media from Metropolitan State University.

Photo of Steffany Murcia

Q&A with Steffany

What is your favorite artist or artwork?
Brandon Woelfel, but I also enjoy a lot of surreal photography works.

What made you interested in photography?
I enjoy photography because I like being able to recreate scenes and turn them into fantasy. It allows me to create a narrative of what goes on inside of ourselves rather than just the reality. I remember when I started going to conventions, I found myself looking at all the hard work people would put in their cosplay/costumes and I wanted to capture that, but also show how we can give a “what if? ” moment to the hobbies that we are into.

What’s been your most impactful art experience?
Learning how my skills can aid other artists and how collaboration works so well. I’ve met so many wonderful people and made friends but being able to contribute to their art and vice versa.

Lori McAlister
Lori McAlister is a ZAPP® sales contractor. She is responsible for connecting prospective users to the ZAPP system. McAlister worked with the Lincoln Arts Council in her home state of Nebraska for more than five years, doing a variety of tasks including fundraising, event planning and management of the Lincoln Arts Festival. Having relocated to St Joseph, Missouri, in 2018 to create a 3-generation household, McAlister also works at The Celtic Ranch in Weston, which befits her passion for Scottish, Welsh and Irish culture and travel.

Photo of Lori McAlister

Q&A with Lori

What book would you take to the beach?
Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

What was your favorite thing about working with artists?
I enjoy connecting the dots for artists, to introduce them to the people and resources that enable their creativity. Doing what I do best enables them to do the same!

What has been your most impactful art experience?
Watching an artist grow into their potential, particularly when I’ve been part of that process. It’s exciting and very gratifying. It is part of my own artistic expression.

Julia Passantino
Julia Passantino is the ZAPP®communications and support associate. She assists in the creation and execution of webinars, news, and video content and supports the communication, marketing, and social media strategies. She also supports the ZAPP team by providing technical support and assistance to both administrators and artists. Outside of work she enjoys playing the violin, hiking, and immersing herself in a book. Passantino holds a bachelor of arts degree in public relations and film studies from Coe College.

Photo of Julia Passantino

Q&A with Julia

What is your connection with the arts?
I have been playing violin for fourteen years and have been a member of multiple different school orchestras, community orchestras, and pit orchestras. My grandfather enjoys painting on all types of materials, my sister is currently in school for animation, and I studied film in college. I love being exposed to as many different art forms as possible – each one offers its own amazing, unique tone for the artist’s message.

You studied film history. What is your favorite film and why?
My favorite film is Stardust. The film has so much heart and joy within it and never fails to put a smile on my face. The soundtrack, composed by Ilan Eshkeri, is also amazing and is always a go-to on my phone.

What has been your most impactful art experience?
My most impactful art experience was the first time I ever visited the Denver Art Museum. I was absolutely one of those children who had a plan for how we were going to see every piece of art and learn every piece of history about them as possible before we left for the day.

If you need assistance navigating zapplication.org, remember to check out your Artist Help Center! If you’re unable to find your answer there, feel free to contact ZAPP Artist Support.


Available M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m Mountain Time




The 2018 Arts Festival Conference in Boca Raton, Florida, was a success, and we’re pleased that we could once again connect artists and administrators for conversation and professional development. Our team has had the chance to reflect and reevaluate the event, and while we are committed to providing resources for the field, we have decided to postpone the conference indefinitely. We are considering ways to maximize our reach for artists and admins in a way that is more affordable and does not require travel. We have sincerely appreciated the opportunity to connect with you all, and we look forward to more conversation, more networking, and more opportunities to connect in the future!  


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Until next time, ZAPPers!